Faraday Lectures about Light - Studio Model with flown mirrored ceiling panel and underlit floor panels. Lectern & demo tables track across stage.
Faraday Lectures about Light - Richard Pilbrow onstage
Miller Beer - "Biggest Party in History" at Houston Astrodome
Plymouth Prowler Press Launch - Detroit Auto Show
Plymouth Prowler Press Launch - Detroit Auto Show
Xerox 10 Series Launch - Studio 3D Model - Product tracks across stage and speaker riser tracks across forestage.
Xerox 10 Series Launch - Event with product onstage and stardrop masking wings & backdrop
Boston Pops - Fibre Optic scenic stage wall under construction. Scenic panels were an exact copy of the Symphony Hall's stage walls but with a 'Victorian' paint finish and fibre optic inserts
Boston Pops - Fibre Optic scenic stage wall
Georgetown University - Million dollar donor celebration - Museum of Building, Washington DC - Stage bridging existing fountain pond.
Georgetown University - Million dollar donor celebration - Museum of Building, Washington DC - Large format rear projection screens between existing venue columns, showing Georgetown's Chapel stained glass windows.
Healthsouth Launch Event - Inflatable set pieces, Astroturf flooring & eccentric 'boxing ring' stage in centre.
Healthsouth Launch Event - Inflatable set pieces.
Merck Zocor Launch - 3 panel projection cyclorama, with central area which kabuki'ed away to expose a wall of tightly packed white latex balloons. These were projected upon and then exploded for the product reveal.
Merck Salesforce Meeting - Underlit green-tinted plexiglass lectern, which folds completely flat for transport
Pfizer Dealer Meeting - Rectangular & circular RP screens arrayed across a room-width stage.
Pfizer Dealer Meeting - Auto-paint finish steel & plexiglas Lectern
Virtual Guitar Launch - Touring structure exterior
Virtual Guitar Launch - Build process. Interior of tent contained gaming modules & stage with full audio set-up
Breakthrough Starshot Launch - World Trade Center Observatory, 102nd floor of 1 WTC with views through windows of NY habor & Statue of Liberty.
Breakthrough Starshot Launch - Yuri Milner & Stephen Hawking onstage